Puren 105
A shelf-life extension and colour retention product for use in meat products such as fresh meats and emulsion products for a medium gain in shelf life.
Puren 105 is an effective anti-microbial and antioxidant product.
It is effective at controlling various spoilage bacteria and pathogens and provides colour retention. Puren 105 contains no Nitrates or Nitrites and is micro-biome friendly and a clean label product.
A blend of Sodium Chloride, Sodium Lactate, Sodium Acetate, Sodium Citrate and
Anti Caking Agent
It is supplied as a free-flowing powder in a 10kg LDPE bag
Usage Guideline
The addition rate is 0.5% of the total meat mass (500g of powder per 100kg of meat). The product is usually added at the same time as the spices.
Regulatory Compliance
Ingredients are all listed in the WHO Codex Alimentarius for use in meat. All ingredients have USA GRAS status (Generally Regarded as Safe). Please consult your own country’s regulation for ingredient compliance.
Safety Precautions
See the Safety Data Sheet before use
Puren 105 is stable for 24 months from date of production. The product should be stored in a cool dry and clean environment, out of direct sunlight.